Tom Brady reacts to Antonio Browns bizarre exit hints that former Bucs teammate is going through something

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The escaped New York with a 28-24 win over the , but they Cody Conway Jersey will board their team flight home short a player. In the third quarter, star wideout took off his shoulder pads, his shirt and other equipment before Following the conclusion of the game, Buccaneers head coach Bruce Arians said that Brown was "no longer a Buc." Quarterback had more to say about Brown's strange outburst, including that he hopes Brown gets the kind of help Mike Boone Jersey he needs. Brady also preached compa sion and empathy, and seemed to hint that Brown is going through some things in his life. Brady on AB. Seems like AB is going through something Billy M (@BillyM_91) "Yeah, I mean that's obviously a difficult situation, and I think we all want him to -- I think everybody should hopefully do what they can to help him in ways that he really needs it," said Brady. "We all love him, we care about Champ Bailey Jersey him deeply. We want to see him be at his best, and unfortunately it won't be with our team. We have a lot of friendships that will last and again I think the most important thing about football are the relationships with your friends and your teammates and they go beyond the field. I Quinn Meinerz Jersey think everyone should be very compa sionate and empathetic toward some very difficult things that are happening." From his dramatic exits from both the and to his short stint with the and reported fake vaccination card fiasco, Brown has been a lightning rod for controversy more often than not. It would appear, however, that this latest outburst will be his last on an NFL field.
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